Auto Insurance

Auto Insurance

When we dive into auto insurance, we focus on one overarching question, what do you need? For each person, that is going to be different. You may think your current insurance encompasses everything. In some cases, you may be paying for more than you need, and in other instances, you may not have enough. That is why working with an agent who will be honest about your coverage needs is beneficial. We care about our customers and work hard to make sure you have adequate protection.

We offer several categories of auto coverage, including but not limited to liability, collision, comprehensive, medical payments, and loss of use.


Liability insurance helps cover third-party claims of property damage or bodily injury.


Auto insurance that can cover you in the event of a crash or accident with another vehicle or object if your car needs to be repaired.


Comprehensive insurance coverage can help pay the costs of damage to your car for non-collision-related claims. For example, it can help pay for damages caused by hail, theft, fire, or hitting an animal.

Auto Insurance Coverage

When we discuss car insurance, we also need to look at your coverage limits. Many states have minimums. However, if the damage is more than what the minimum covers, you are responsible for it. If you are in a car accident that badly injures another person, your insurance company will only pay up to your policy limits. That means covering $25,000 of their medical bills and $25,000 worth of property damage. For example, if the damaged vehicle is $80,000, you would be responsible for $55,000 out of pocket.

There are many misconceptions about insurance rates. Many people assume that additional coverage will cost an arm and a leg. That is not the case. For a few dollars more each month, you can increase your coverage. Your monthly payments cost less than replacing a brand-new vehicle out of pocket. It is important to fulfill your legal insurance requirements, but your needs may go beyond that.

Medical Payments

Medical payments coverage helps pay for medical and funeral expenses after a car accident. It’s an optional form of auto insurance that typically covers the policyholder, family members driving the car, and any passengers. Also known as medical payments coverage or MedPay, coverage applies no matter who’s at fault.

Bodily Injury

If you are responsible for a car accident, bodily injury liability coverage pays for the medical costs of the people who are injured (not including yourself). This coverage also helps cover payment for legal defense in the event you are sued for damages.

Additional Coverages

Accident forgiveness, loss of use, accidental death and dismemberment, coverage for customization.

Auto Insurance Discounts

Alfa Insurance offers many driving discounts. There are great discounts for youthful drivers when they complete driver’s ed or receive good grades. There are discounts for many other members of our community as well. We offer occupation discounts for Teachers, Military, Federal and State Employees, First Responders, Farmers, Tier 1 Auto Manufactures,  and Legacy discounts for children of current Alfavcustomers. We also offer Multi-policy discounts meaning the more you insure, the more you save! 

We look forward to helping you navigate insurance and setting you up with Alfa’s auto coverage. Schedule an appointment for a free consultation.